Discord Platform User Guide

Discord is a popular group-chatting app, available for Mac, PC, iPhone, and Android devices. All announcement, discussions, FAQs will happen here.

You can download the Desktop and Mobile versions of Discord and Install them from https://discord.com/ . Desktop/laptop apps work the best.

If you do not have one already, you will need to create a login on Discord.

Steps to get started with Discord:

  1. Open Discord and Click Register
  2. Enter your Username, Email and Password and click Next
  3. Enter your Date of Birth and click Create Account
  4. Once you have registered click this Invite Link: go.cmtassociation.org/discord
  5. This will add you to the CMT Association India Server.
  6. Click on the Investment Challenge section
  7. Familiarize yourself with the platform and explore the various sections. Feel free to introduce yourself on the chat.


  1. Click On / Use the event-detail-faqs section to read any details of the competition
  2. All event updates will be posted on the event-update section
  3. You can use the ask-queries section to ask any questions you may have. Please note that this is a public chat so all other members and participants will be able to see your questions / posts
  4. Should you wish to write / ask a question privately, you can click on Home from the top left corner and Start a private direct conversation with either Joel Pannikot or Kaizad Marolia. Expect a delay in response to private messages.

If you have any queries with accessing the platform, feel free to contact:

Mohit Handa - CMT